英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 17:13:55
  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. make intrusive advances towards

2. seize control of

1. 挤进(某地硬要同某人住在一起:move in a groove 墨守成规 | move in on挤进(某地硬要同某人住在一起 | move into high (汽车)换上高速档, 加快速度

2. 挤进(某地 硬要同某人住在一起;对...施加压力;参加(某团体):move in 搬入; 靠近, 移近; 开始新的职务; 接手 | move in on 挤进(某地 硬要同某人住在一起;对...施加压力;参加(某团体) | get away with murder [俚]做坏事而不受处罚; 逍遥法外

3. 未经许可便与...住在一起,硬要与...挤在一起:17.genetically higher blood pressure遗传上的高血压. | 18.move in on:未经许可便与...住在一起,硬要与...挤在一起 | 19. jackass愚蠢的人

4. 移近,向...逼近:60. get a move on 赶快,加紧 | move in on 移近,向...逼近 | move on 继续前进; (to)更换工作(或话题等 (命...走开,不要停留

Jack never wanted to stay in one place for very long, so they were always on the move.(杰克从不想在一个地方久留,所以他们总在辗转奔波。)
Both humans and animals were constantly on the move, in search of food and reliable water supplies.(人类和野生动物都在不停地迁徙,以寻找食物和可靠的水源。)
Light to move in on the third day, this call fire temples.(亮到第三天搬进去,这叫火庵。)
One variation on vertical farming that has been developed is to grow plants in stacked trays that move on rails.(垂直农业发展出来的一个变化是,在堆叠的、在轨道上移动的托盘上种植植物。)
The gang has decided to move in on the taxi business.(这帮家伙决定控制出租车行业。)
I tried to move in on his cushy job.(我想夺取他那轻松的工作。)
Don't live in the past, but, move on from past mistakes and difficult situations.(不要生活在过去中,只是,从过去的错误和困难情形中总结并向前走。)
As boards scrutinize succession plans in response to shareholder pressure, executives who don't get the nod also may wish to move on.(由于董事会迫于股东们的压力而严格审查公司的接任方案,那些未获得许可的高管们也可能会想辞职。)
In the heat of battle, players have been observed to throw themselves across the court without considering the consequences that such a move might have on anyone in their way.(在激烈的比拼中,有人观察到球员们在没有考虑到这样的举动可能对任何人造成的后果的情况下,就将自己扔到了球场的另一边。)
In fact, it was the son, Marco, who persuaded his father to move on from traditional television advertising and go online instead.(事实上,是儿子马可说服了他的父亲放弃传统的电视广告,转向网络广告。)
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